Healthcare Data: The Possibilities of a Connected Health Ecosystem

Healthcare data is fragmented and disconnected due to various factors, including privacy concerns, separate logins and portals for different healthcare providers, and the lack of a unified identity and pathway for data. However, there have been advancements in recent years, with federal regulations allowing consumers to access their data through third-party applications and share it with other healthcare providers.

The ownership of healthcare data is complex, with the person who creates the record technically owning it, but consumers having the right to access and control it. The root causes of the problem include technological limitations, lack of incentives, and cultural barriers to adoption.

In this episode, Kristen Valdes, founder & CEO of b.well Connected Health discusses data interoperability, information overload, b.well’s business model, differentiation from other companies, scalability, go-to-market strategy, and the impact of AI and GenAI in healthcare.

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