Category: Digital Transformation
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Transforming Healthcare through Utilizing the Power of Accessible Health Data

HLTH 2023 Recap: A Historical Moment for b.well and What It Means for You

Samsung Health and b.well Connected Health Partnership Promises Huge Gains in Healthcare by Improving Data Access for Consumers

b.well Connected Health & CLEAR Target ‘Portal-itis’ with Strategic Partnership Advancing Privacy, Convenience & Security for Healthcare Consumers

Samsung Health Taps b.well Connected Health To Make Personalized Healthcare A Reality
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Convenience, the New Currency of Healthcare, Requires a New Healthcare Data Architecture

b.well Connected Health Enhances Connectivity with athenahealth Data Connection to Empower Seamless Healthcare Experiences

A Visionary Leader Empowering Healthcare Transformation: Spotlight on Dr. Imran Andrabi, President & CEO of Thedacare